Graphic Recording Image Gallery: Learning about the land
When I looked through my project files, I realized that many of them were notes from presentations about Indigenous-led conservation and other discussions featuring Indigenous subject matter experts. For me, there was something that linked them all: at each event, I learned about the land that's now known as Canada. Taking these notes has been a privilege, and I want to keep learning more. That's why I called this collection of graphics "Learning about the Land."
Learning from Lake Sturgeon, 2021
Society for Conservation Biology, Toronto 2018
Public Service Commissioner's Conference, Yellowknife 2018
Up North on Climate Conference, Thunder Bay 2018
At this conference in Thunder Bay, I recorded a few presentations and panels about how climate scientists can be informed by local Indigenous traditional knowledge. The graphic recordings are posted on the conference website here. But here's one of my favourites, the keynote address by Ovide Mercredi.