If you're following me, I'm guessing it has something to do with comics, graphic recording, and/or cool visually-inspiring creative writing stuff. If that's what you've been hoping to see in my online channels, you may have been surprised recently to see a lot less art and a lot more retweets about politics. These aren't mutually exclusive, by the way - art is an important voice for change and social commentary, in political circles and everywhere else, too.
In the wake of Donald Trump's electoral victory on Nov. 8th, 2016 - and alongside the Canadian campaigns for leader of the federal Conservative party and Alberta's Progressive Conservative party - I've been thinking about ways that comics creators, and artists in general, can add important perspectives to the conversation. While all this stuff is simmering in my brain, I haven't had as much time to post (or draw) new pictures. With my retweets, I'm hoping to flag issues that seem important, and which might be part of whatever creative project evolves out of this. Stay tuned! And don't despair - pictures are coming.
In the meantime, I'm going to re-post a Twitter "essay" (it's not really an essay, but I'm not sure what else you call these things) that I put out on November 9th, about the way artists can participate in - and lead - the creation of positive change in society. New stuff coming soon, starting with my latest Ramsay newsletter comic strip on this subject, which I'll be posting tomorrow!
(I'm sharing Nick Sousanis's comic here - but take a look at his own site, for his own post about this comic, and more amazing work.)