Is there anybody else doing this? I mean, Damian has been doing it for more than a decade (so have I, on and off)... but are there any other folks writing and drawing print comics in this town? Is this a dead art? Does Calgary have - or want - an indie scene? It's the element of the Calgary Expo - despite its amazingly all-encompassing embrace of all things geeky, nerdy, and comic-booky - that I've found lacking. Maybe because there just isn't an indie scene. Or is there?
By now you might have figured out that, much as I love the Calgary Expo, I'm not really in tune with the Expo scene - I don't have any costumes, and I hadn't actually heard of most of the celebrities who were coming (which may have something to do with the fact that I don't have... and never have had... a TV). But that's not to say I can't relate to people who are wildly, madly passionate about the ingenious work of a celebrity icon. I saw Bob Dylan perform for the first time on April 28th, 1996. I don't know how many times I've seen him since - I stopped counting after about 40 shows. Bob Dylan still rocks my world (even though I don't follow his tour around the way I used to). You can read some comics about my touring adventures here. Suffice to say - all you Expo fans who are right now coming down from your Expo high - I know how it feels. Just hang in there till the next show comes to town.