I've been lucky - living in Ramsay, one of Calgary's two oldest communities and, I think, the only inner-city community that borders on a river to escape pretty much unscathed. Things around my neighbourhood are just as usual, except that we're now located on a peninsula from which Blackfoot Trail offers the only way in or out. Roads and bridges are starting to re-open, but getting anywhere takes so long, that we're just as happy to stay in our little village for now.
We did venture out three times in the past three days - and here's where we went.
YWCA of Calgary - I've just finished painting some pictures for these guys. I didn't post any photos yet, although you can see just one at the very top of this blog post. Their downtown facility was pretty hard hit by the flood, but it was heartening to learn that a lot of donations came pouring in to help those affected.
More to come!