Matt & Rob of Conscious Brands invited Calgary graphic recorders to a "graphic recording jam" where we could practice this innovative art form. The jam was hosted by Tracy and David at their office in the Calgary Public Building (right downtown, next to the Performing Arts Centre).
This wonderful historic building - featuring possibly the best elevators in town, complete with trestle-style brass doors and a real live elevator operator - offers visitors a wonderful mix of old and new. One of the new features that the graphic designers particularly appreciated was the "green wall", coated in a special green paint that allows you to draw right on it! Well, we dove right in (some used paper, but I just had to try the wall), and here are some of the results.
Follow Calgary's brand-new graphic recording scene on twitter at #yycdrawlive. And to find out more about graphic recording, you can check out the International Forum of Visual Practitioners, here.