I can't remember how the assignment turned out (although I do remember doing the artwork while working on the midnight shift at the Trinity College Library - which is exactly why I liked working those mostly-dead shifts), but what happened later was that I made a bunch of copies of the image on different coloured papers and used them for this year's Christmas card. The other reason I made copies of the image was to use it for a gift for my mom. At that time, we were both trying to wean ourselves off coffee (good luck... 14 years later!!!!!). So I thought of concocting a half-&-half coffee mix using regular coffee and decaffeinated beans. I put these mixtures into bags and labelled them with these pictures, dubbing it the "Mary & Elizabeth blend" (my mom & I each have another name... hers is Mary & mine is Elizabeth). It wasn't long before the bags were empty we were both back to the buzz of the real stuff.