I combed the internet and I couldn't find that picture, but I did find the one showing the Ingalls family recovering thanks to the ministrations of Dr. Tan. That picture's probably better, anyway, since that's more how we're feeling around here now, thank goodness!
Nothing like children's literature to help you get through the winter flu season. And now on to that April comic strip, just in time for "Marvellous Monday!" But first, while I'm here, just one note:
Did you notice, I just wrote something on this blog? And I even put a picture in there! Not that exciting, I know, but getting this blog back up again has been one of the rustiest processes I've ever been through. Rest assured, there is a lot percolating. These posts may still trickle out slowly for the next little bit. But when I get my head around it... and the convalescence is complete... there will be lots coming!