He's recently published a book, entitled "A Broader Vision." It's a memoir of his life growing up in Canada, raising a family, and working as a scientist and entrepreneur. (You can check out his book - and buy it online - here.)
The book is full of fascinating tales and anecdotes about his very eventful life (and it's also full of his wise and witty commentary on all those events. I always knew my grandfather was a successful businessman and scientist. But the more I read his books - he's got another one, too, and it's called "Applying the Scientific Method to the Understanding of Existence" (!) - the more I'm impressed by his great writing, as well! For the 2013 Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo Artbook (which featured the theme "Weird Tales", I wrote a strip based on one of the anecdotes from "A Broader Vision." Here it is! Happy birthday!